Module ethik.base_explainer
Expand source code
import collections
import functools
import itertools
import warnings
import colorlover as cl
import joblib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import as pio
from scipy import optimize
from scipy import special
from scipy import stats
from tqdm import tqdm
from .utils import join_with_overlap, plot_template, safe_scale, to_pandas, yield_masks
pio.templates.default = plot_template
__all__ = ["BaseExplainer"]
class ConvergenceSuccess(Exception):
"""Custom warning to capture convergence success.
This is necessary to monkey-patch scipy's minimize function in order to manually stop the
minimization process.
ksi (float)
def __init__(self, ksi):
self.ksi = ksi
class F:
"""Dummy class for monkey-patching the minimize function from scipy.optimize.
We want to be able to early-stop the minimize function whenever the difference between the
target mean and the current is under a certain tolerance threshold. As of writing this code,
the only way to do this is to issue an exception whenever the threshold is reached.
Encapsulating this logic inside a class seems like a reasonable idea.
def __init__(self, x, target_mean, tol):
self.x = x
self.target_mean = target_mean
self.tol = tol
def __call__(self, ksi):
"""Returns the loss and the gradient for a particular ksi value."""
if len(ksi) == 1:
lambdas = special.softmax(self.x * ksi[0])
current_mean = np.average(self.x, weights=lambdas, axis=0)[0]
loss = (current_mean - self.target_mean[0]) ** 2
lambdas = special.softmax(, ksi))
current_mean = np.average(self.x, weights=lambdas, axis=0)
loss = np.linalg.norm(current_mean - self.target_mean)
if loss < self.tol:
raise ConvergenceSuccess(ksi=ksi)
g = current_mean - self.target_mean
return loss, g
def compute_ksi(group_id, x, target_mean, max_iterations, tol):
"""Find good ksis for a variable and given target means.
group_id (int): The id of the group of queries to answer.
x (pd.DataFrame): The variable's values with one column per feature.
target_mean (list of floats): The means to reach by weighting the
feature's values. Must contain as many elements as there are features.
max_iterations (int): The maximum number of iterations of gradient descent.
tol (float): Stopping criterion. The gradient descent will stop if the mean absolute error
between the obtained mean and the target mean is lower than tol, even if the maximum
number of iterations has not been reached.
dict: The keys are couples `(group_id, feature)` and the
values are the ksis for each feature. For instance:
(0, "age"): -0.81,
(0, "education-num"): 0.05,
mean, std = x.mean().values, x.std().values
features = x.columns
x = safe_scale(x).values
ksis = np.zeros(len(target_mean))
if np.isclose(target_mean, mean, atol=tol).all():
return {(group_id, feature): (0.0, True) for feature in features}
converged = False
res = optimize.minimize(
fun=F(x=x, target_mean=(target_mean - mean) / std, tol=tol),
x0=ksis, # Initial ksi value
except ConvergenceSuccess as cs:
ksis = cs.ksi
converged = True
return {
(group_id, feature): (ksi, converged) for feature, ksi in zip(features, ksis)
class BaseExplainer:
"""Explains the influence of features on model predictions and performance."""
CAT_COL_SEP = " = "
def __init__(
n_jobs=1, # Parallelism is only worth it if the dataset is "large"
if not 0 <= alpha < 0.5:
raise ValueError(f"alpha must be between 0 and 0.5, got {alpha}")
if n_samples < 1:
raise ValueError(f"n_samples must be strictly positive, got {n_samples}")
if not 0 < sample_frac < 1:
raise ValueError(f"sample_frac must be between 0 and 1, got {sample_frac}")
if not 0 < conf_level < 0.5:
raise ValueError(f"conf_level must be between 0 and 0.5, got {conf_level}")
if not max_iterations > 0:
raise ValueError(
"max_iterations must be a strictly positive "
f"integer, got {max_iterations}"
if not tol > 0:
raise ValueError(f"tol must be a strictly positive number, got {tol}")
self.alpha = alpha
self.n_samples = n_samples
self.sample_frac = sample_frac if n_samples > 1 else 1
self.conf_level = conf_level
self.max_iterations = max_iterations
self.tol = tol
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
self.verbose = verbose
def get_metric_name(self, metric):
"""Get the name of the column in explainer's info dataframe to store the
performance with respect of the given metric.
metric (callable): The metric to compute the model's performance.
str: The name of the column.
name = metric.__name__
if name in ["feature", "target", "label", "influence", "ksi"]:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot use {name} as a metric name, already a column name"
return name
def _fill_ksis(self, X_test, query):
X_test (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with categorical features ALREADY
one-hot encoded.
query (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with at least two columns "feature"
and "target". This dataframe will be altered. The values in "feature"
must match a column in `X_test`.
pd.DataFrame: The `query` dataframe with an additional column "ksi".
if "ksi" not in query.columns:
query["ksi"] = None
if "converged" not in query.columns:
query["converged"] = None
query_to_complete = query[query["ksi"].isnull()]
# We keep the group for one label only
groups = query_to_complete.groupby(["group", "feature"]).first()
# `groups` is a dataframe with multi-index `(group, feature)`
ksis = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)(
for gid, part in groups.groupby("group")
ksis = collections.ChainMap(*ksis)
converged = {k: t[1] for k, t in ksis.items()}
ksis = {k: t[0] for k, t in ksis.items()}
query["ksi"] = query.apply(
lambda r: ksis.get((r["group"], r["feature"]), r["ksi"]), axis="columns"
query["converged"] = query.apply(
lambda r: converged.get((r["group"], r["feature"]), r["converged"]),
return query
def _explain(
self, X_test, y_pred, dest_col, key_cols, compute, query, compute_kwargs=None
X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe
with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature.
y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions
for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression,
`pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a
pandas dataframe with one column per label is
expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1`
(for a one-hot-encoded output).
dest_col (str): The name of the column that is created by `compute`.
Either "influence" or the name of a metric.
key_cols (list of str): The set of columns that is used to identify
the parameters of a result. For instance, for the influence, we
need the feature, the label and the ksi to map the explanation back
to the query. For performance, all the labels give the same result
so we just need the feature and the ksi.
compute (callable): A callable that takes at least three parameters
(`X_test`, `y_pred`, `query`) and returns the query completed
with explanations.
query (pd.DataFrame): The query for the explanation. A dataframe with
at least three columns ("feature", "label" and "target").
compute_kwargs (dict, optional): An optional dictionary of named parameters
for `compute()`.
query = query.copy() # We make it clear that the given query is not altered
if compute_kwargs is None:
compute_kwargs = {}
if dest_col not in query.columns:
query[dest_col] = None
query[f"{dest_col}_low"] = None
query[f"{dest_col}_high"] = None
X_test = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(X_test))
y_pred = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(y_pred))
X_test = self._one_hot_encode(X_test)
if len(X_test) != len(y_pred):
raise ValueError("X_test and y_pred are not of the same length")
query = self._fill_ksis(X_test, query)
query_to_complete = query[
& query["label"].isin(y_pred.columns)
& query[dest_col].isnull()
if query_to_complete.empty:
return query
# `compute()` will return something like:
# [
# [ # First batch
# (*key_cols1, sample_index1, computed_value1),
# (*key_cols2, sample_index2, computed_value2),
# ...
# ],
# ...
# ]
# Standard scale the features
X_test = safe_scale(X_test)
explanation = compute(
X_test=X_test, y_pred=y_pred, query=query_to_complete, **compute_kwargs
# We group by the key to gather the samples and compute the confidence
# interval
explanation = explanation.groupby(key_cols)[dest_col].agg(
# Mean influence
(dest_col, "mean"),
# Lower bound on the mean influence
(f"{dest_col}_low", functools.partial(np.quantile, q=self.conf_level)),
# Upper bound on the mean influence
functools.partial(np.quantile, q=1 - self.conf_level),
query = join_with_overlap(left=query, right=explanation, on=key_cols)
return query
def _compute_influence(self, X_test, y_pred, query):
groups = query.groupby(["group", "label"])
return pd.DataFrame(
* group["ksi"].iloc[0]
if len(group["ksi"]) == 1
else[group["feature"]][mask], group["ksi"])
for (sample_index, mask), ((gid, label), group) in tqdm(
disable=not self.verbose,
total=len(groups) * self.n_samples,
columns=["group", "label", "sample_index", "influence"],
def _explain_influence(self, X_test, y_pred, query):
return self._explain(
key_cols=["group", "label"],
def _compute_performance(self, X_test, y_pred, query, y_test, metric):
metric_name = self.get_metric_name(metric)
groups = query.groupby(["group"])
return pd.DataFrame(
* group["ksi"].iloc[0]
if len(group["ksi"]) == 1
else[group["feature"]][mask], group["ksi"])
for (sample_index, mask), (gid, group) in tqdm(
disable=not self.verbose,
total=len(groups) * self.n_samples,
columns=["group", "sample_index", metric_name],
def _explain_performance(self, X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, query):
metric_name = self.get_metric_name(metric)
return self._explain(
compute_kwargs=dict(y_test=np.asarray(y_test), metric=metric),
def _one_hot_encode(self, x):
if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame):
return pd.get_dummies(data=x, prefix_sep=self.CAT_COL_SEP)
return pd.get_dummies(
# A DataFrame is needed for get_dummies
data=pd.DataFrame([x.values], columns=x.index),
def _revert_dummies_names(self, x):
"""Build a dictionary that enables us to find the original feature back
after `pd.get_dummies()` was called.
>>> x = pd.DataFrame({"gender": ["Male", "Female", "Male"]})
>>> x
>>> pd.get_dummies(x)
gender = Male gender = Female
1 0
0 1
1 0
>>> self._revert_dummies_names(x)
"gender = Male": "gender",
"gender = Female": "gender",
x = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(x))
x = x.select_dtypes(include=["category", "object"])
dummies_names = {}
for col in x.columns:
for cat in x[col].unique():
dummies_name = f"{col}{self.CAT_COL_SEP}{cat}"
dummies_names[dummies_name] = col
return dummies_names
def _compare_individuals(
self, X_test, y_pred, reference, compared, dest_col, key_cols, explain
X_test = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(X_test))
y_pred = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(y_pred))
# We first need to get the non-encoded features, otherwise we may miss
# categorical ones.
# For instance, if `reference` is a male and `compared` a female, after
# one-hot encoding, the first will have the feature "gender = male" and
# the second will have "gender = female" and we won't be able to detect
# that it refers to the same feature "gender".
features = set(X_test.columns) & set(reference.keys()) & set(compared.keys())
X_test = X_test[features] # Just keep the features in common
reference = reference.rename("reference")
compared = compared.rename("compared")
individuals = pd.DataFrame(
[reference, compared], index=[,]
dummies_to_features = self._revert_dummies_names(individuals)
individuals = self._one_hot_encode(individuals)
labels = y_pred.columns
query = pd.DataFrame(
for name, individual in individuals.iterrows()
for label in labels
for feature in individuals.columns
query["group"] = list(range(len(query)))
info = explain(X_test=X_test, y_pred=y_pred, query=query)
# `info` looks like:
# feature target label individual ksi influence influence_low influence_high
# age 20 >$50k reference ... ... ... ...
# age 20 >$50k compared ... ... ... ...
# gender = Female 0 >$50k reference ... ... ... ...
# gender = Male 1 >$50k reference ... ... ... ...
# gender = Female 1 >$50k compared ... ... ... ...
# gender = Male 0 >$50k compared ... ... ... ...
# ...
# For every individual and every categorical feature, we want to keep the
# one-hot encoded line that corresponds to the original value:
# feature target label individual ksi influence influence_low influence_high
# age 20 >$50k reference ... ... ... ...
# age 20 >$50k compared ... ... ... ...
# gender = Male 1 >$50k reference ... ... ... ...
# gender = Female 1 >$50k compared ... ... ... ...
# ...
# And, to compare them, we want to rename the encoded features back to their
# original name:
# feature target label individual ksi influence influence_low influence_high
# age 20 >$50k reference ... ... ... ...
# age 20 >$50k compared ... ... ... ...
# gender 1 >$50k reference ... ... ... ...
# gender 1 >$50k compared ... ... ... ...
# ...
rows = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for individual in (reference, compared):
encoded = self._one_hot_encode(individual)
individual_info = info[
(info["individual"] ==
& (info["feature"].isin(encoded.keys()))
for _, row in individual_info.iterrows():
row = row.replace(dummies_to_features)
key = tuple(zip(key_cols, row[key_cols]))
rows[key][] = row[dest_col]
return pd.DataFrame(
[{**dict(keys), **individuals} for keys, individuals in rows.items()]
def compare_influence(self, X_test, y_pred, reference, compared):
"""Compare the influence of features in `X_test` on `y_pred` for the
individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how
the model would behave if the average individual were `compared` and
X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe
with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature.
y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions
for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression,
`pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a
pandas dataframe with one column per label is
expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1`
(for a one-hot-encoded output).
reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`.
compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`.
pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with four columns ("feature", "label",
"reference" and "compared"). For each couple `(feature, label)`,
`reference` (resp. `compared`) is the average output of the model
if the average individual were `reference` (resp. `compared`).
return self._compare_individuals(
key_cols=["feature", "label"],
def compare_performance(self, X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, reference, compared):
"""Compare the influence of features in `X_test` on the performance for the
individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how
the model would perform if the average individual were `compared` and
X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe
with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature.
y_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The true values
for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression,
a `pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification,
a pandas dataframe with one column per label is
expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1`
(for a one-hot-encoded output).
y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions
for the samples in `X_test`. The format is the same as `y_test`.
metric (callable): A scikit-learn-like metric
`f(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)`. The metric must be able
to handle the `y` data. For instance, for `sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score()`,
"the set of labels predicted for a sample must exactly match the
corresponding set of labels in `y_true`".
reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`.
compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`.
pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with three columns ("feature", "reference"
and "compared"). For each couple `(feature, label)`, `reference`
(resp. `compared`) is the average output of the model if the
average individual were `reference` (resp. `compared`).
metric_name = self.get_metric_name(metric)
return self._compare_individuals(
self._explain_performance, y_test=np.asarray(y_test), metric=metric
def compute_weights(self, feature_values, targets):
"""Compute the weights to reach the given targets.
feature_values (pd.Series): A named pandas series containing the dataset values
for a given feature. Let's notice that this method do not handle
multi-dimensional optimization.
targets (list): A list of means to reach for the feature `feature_values`.
All of them must be between `feature_values.min()` and `feature_values.max()`.
dict: The keys are the targets and the values are lists of
`len(feature_values)` weights (one per data sample).
# If `` is `None`, converting it to a dataframe
# will create a column `0`, which will not be matched by the query below
# since its "feature" column will be `None` and not `0`.
if is None:
feature_values = feature_values.rename("feature")
query = pd.DataFrame(
feature=[] * len(targets),
label=[""] * len(targets),
ksis = self._fill_ksis(pd.DataFrame(feature_values), query)["ksi"]
scaled_values = safe_scale(feature_values)
return {
target: special.softmax(ksi * scaled_values)
for ksi, target in zip(ksis, targets)
def compute_distributions(
self, feature_values, targets, y_pred=None, bins=None, density=True, kde=False
"""Compute the stressed distributions of `feature_values` or `y_pred` (if specified)
for the `feature_values` targets `targets`. As explained in the paper,
the stressed distributions are computed to minimize the Kullback-Leibler
divergence with the original distribution.
feature_values (pd.Series): A named pandas series containing the dataset values
for a given feature. Let's notice that this method do not handle
multi-dimensional optimization.
targets (list): A list of means to reach for the feature `feature_values`.
All of them must be between `feature_values.min()` and `feature_values.max()`.
bins (int, optional): See `numpy.histogram()`. If `None` (the default),
we use `bins = int(log(len(feature_values)))`.
y_pred (pd.Series, optional): The model output corresponding to the
input `feature_values`. For a multi-class problem, `y_pred` is the output
for a single label. If specified, the stressed output is returned
instead of the stressed input.
density (bool, optional): See `numpy.histogram()`.
kde (bool, optional): Whether to compute a Kernel Density Estimation.
Default is `False`.
dict: The keys are the targets and the values are dictionaries with keys:
* "edges": The edges of the histogram returned by `numpy.histogram()`.
* "densities": The densities for every bins of the histogram. It
depends on the value of the parameter `density`. Let's notice that
`len(edges) == len(densities) + 1`. If `y_pred` is not specified,
the densities are those of is the model input `feature_values`,
otherwise it is the model output `y_pred`.
* "kde": `None` if the `kde` argument is `False`. Otherwise, it is
a `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde` object.
* "average": The average of the stressed distribution, the model input
if `y_pred` is `None` else the model output.
Let's look at what the distribution of `age` is when its mean is 20
and 30:
>>> age = X_test["age"]
>>> explainer.compute_distributions(
... age,
... targets=[20, 30],
... bins=int(np.log(len(age))),
... )
20: {
"edges": array([17., 25.11111111, 33.22222222, 41.33333333,
49.44444444, 57.55555556, 65.66666667,
73.77777778, 81.88888889, 90.]),
"hist": array([1.15874542e-01, 6.90997708e-03, 4.77327782e-04,
2.45467942e-05, 1.23266581e-06, 4.42351601e-08,
1.10226985e-09, 1.99212274e-11, 3.64842014e-13])
"kde": None,
"average": 20
30: {
"edges": array([17., 25.11111111, 33.22222222, 41.33333333,
49.44444444, 57.55555556, 65.66666667,
73.77777778, 81.88888889, 90.]),
"hist": array([5.17551808e-02, 3.27268628e-02, 2.11936781e-02,
1.06566363e-02, 4.82414028e-03, 1.64851220e-03,
3.90958740e-04, 7.58834142e-05, 1.58185957e-05])
"kde": None,
"average": 30
Now, let's look at what the distribution of the *output* is when the
mean age is 20 and 30:
>>> explainer.compute_distributions(
... age,
... targets=[20, 30],
... bins=int(np.log(len(age))),
... y_pred=y_pred,
... )
20: {
"edges": array([1.65011502e-04, 1.11128109e-01, 2.22091206e-01,
3.33054303e-01, 4.44017400e-01, 5.54980497e-01,
6.65943594e-01, 7.76906691e-01, 8.87869788e-01,
"hist": array([8.75261891e+00, 9.33837831e-02, 5.83045141e-02,
2.94169972e-02, 1.82092901e-02, 1.56109502e-02,
1.36512095e-02, 6.30191287e-03, 2.45075574e-02])
"kde": None,
"average": 0.015101814206467836
30: {
"edges": array([1.65011502e-04, 1.11128109e-01, 2.22091206e-01,
3.33054303e-01, 4.44017400e-01, 5.54980497e-01,
6.65943594e-01, 7.76906691e-01, 8.87869788e-01,
"hist": array([6.26697963, 0.6850221, 0.49064978, 0.29575247,
0.25219135, 0.25242987, 0.24428482, 0.14986088,
"kde": None,
"average": 0.15624939656045428
if bins is None:
bins = int(np.log(len(feature_values)))
weights = self.compute_weights(feature_values, targets)
distributions = {}
data = y_pred if y_pred is not None else feature_values
for target, w in weights.items():
densities, edges = np.histogram(data, bins=bins, weights=w, density=density)
distributions[target] = dict(
average=np.average(y_pred, weights=w) if y_pred is not None else target,
if kde:
distributions[target]["kde"] = stats.gaussian_kde(data, weights=w)
return distributions
def plot_weight_distribution(
self, feature_values, targets, proportion, threshold=None, color=None, size=None
"""Plot, for every target in `targets`, how many individuals capture
`proportion` of the total weight. For instance, we could see that for
a target mean of 25 year-old (if the feature is the age), 50% of the
weight is distributed to 14% of the individuals "only". If "few" individuals
get "a lot of" weight, it means that the stressed distribution is "quite"
different from the original one and that the results are not reliable. Defining
a relevant threshold is an open question.
feature_values (pd.Series): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`.
targets (list): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`.
proportion (float): The proportion of weight to check, between 0 and 1.
threshold (float, optional): An optional threshold to display on the
plot. Must be between 0 and 1.
colors (list, optional): An optional list of colors for all targets.
size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels.
A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you
can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the
same cell.
fig = go.Figure()
weights = self.compute_weights(feature_values, targets)
n_individuals = len(feature_values)
targets = list(sorted(targets))
y = np.zeros(len(targets))
for i, target in enumerate(targets):
w = np.sort(weights[target])
cum_weights = np.cumsum(w[::-1])
y[i] = np.argmax(cum_weights >= proportion) / n_individuals
fig.add_bar(x=targets, y=y, hoverinfo="x+y", marker=dict(color=color))
width = height = None
if size is not None:
width, height = size
if threshold is None:
shapes = []
shapes = [
margin=dict(t=30, b=40),
xaxis=dict( or "feature"),
title=f"Individuals getting {int(proportion*100)}% of the weight",
range=[0, proportion + 0.05],
return fig
def plot_cumulative_weights(self, feature_values, targets, colors=None, size=None):
"""Plot the cumulative weights to stress the distribution of `feature_values`
for each mean in `targets`. The weights are first decreasingly sorted so
that we can easily answer the question "how many individuals capture
X% of the weight?".
feature_values (pd.Series): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`.
targets (list): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`.
colors (list, optional): An optional list of colors for all targets.
size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels.
A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you
can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the
same cell.
if colors is None:
colors = cl.interp(
len(targets) + 1, # +1 otherwise it raises an error if ksis is empty
fig = go.Figure()
weights = self.compute_weights(feature_values, targets)
n = len(feature_values)
x = np.arange(n) / n
for target, color in zip(targets, colors):
w = np.sort(weights[target])
y = np.cumsum(w[::-1])
name=f"E[{}] = {target:.2f}",
width = height = None
if size is not None:
width, height = size
margin=dict(t=30, b=40),
xaxis=dict(title="Proportion of individuals", tickformat="%"),
yaxis=dict(title="Cumulative weights", range=[0, 1.05]),
return fig
def plot_distributions(
"""Plot the stressed distribution of `feature_values` or `y_pred` if specified
for each mean of `feature_values` in `targets`.
feature_values (pd.Series): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`.
targets (list, optional): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`.
If `None` (the default), only the original distribution is plotted.
y_pred (pd.Series, optional): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`.
bins (int, optional): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`.
show_hist (bool, optional): Whether to plot histogram data. Default is
show_curve (bool, optional): Whether to plot KDE based on histogram data.
Default is `True`.
colors (list, optional): An optional list of colors for all targets.
dataset_color (str, optional): An optional color for the original
distribution. Default is `"black"`. If `None`, the original
distribution is not plotted.
size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels.
A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you
can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the
same cell.
if targets is None:
targets = []
if colors is None:
colors = cl.interp(
len(targets) + 1, # +1 otherwise it raises an error if ksis is empty
if dataset_color is not None:
targets = [feature_values.mean(), *targets] # Add the original mean
colors = [dataset_color, *colors]
fig = go.Figure()
distributions = self.compute_distributions(
for i, (target, color) in enumerate(zip(targets, colors)):
trace_name = f"E[{}] = {target:.2f}"
d = distributions[target]
if y_pred is not None:
trace_name += f", E[{}] = {d['average']:.2f}"
if i == 0:
trace_name += " (dataset)"
if show_hist:
showlegend=not show_curve,
if show_curve:
x = np.linspace(d["edges"][0], d["edges"][-1], num=500)
y = d["kde"](x)
text=["Dataset mean"],
marker=dict(symbol="x", size=9, color=color),
width = height = None
if size is not None:
width, height = size
margin=dict(t=30, b=40),
xaxis=dict( if y_pred is not None else
yaxis=dict(title="Probability density"),
return fig
def _plot_comparison(
comparison["delta"] = comparison["compared"] - comparison["reference"]
comparison = comparison.sort_values(by=["delta"], ascending=True)
features = comparison["feature"]
if type(colors) is dict:
# Put the colors in the right order
colors = [colors.get(feature) for feature in features]
width = 500
height = 100 + 60 * len(features)
if size is not None:
width, height = size
reference_name = reference_name or '"reference"'
compared_name = compared_name or '"compared"'
title = f"{title_prefix} for {compared_name} compared to {reference_name}"
fig = go.Figure()
xaxis=dict(title=title, range=yrange, side="top", fixedrange=True),
yaxis=dict(showline=False, automargin=True),
line=dict(color="black", width=1),
margin=dict(b=0, t=60, r=10),
color="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
activecolor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
bgcolor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
return fig
def plot_influence_comparison(
self, X_test, y_pred, reference, compared, colors=None, yrange=None, size=None
"""Plot the influence of features in `X_test` on `y_pred` for the
individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how
the model would behave if the average individual were `compared` and take
the difference with what the output would be if the average were `reference`.
X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe
with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature.
y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions
for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression,
`pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a
pandas dataframe with one column per label is
expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1`
(for a one-hot-encoded output).
reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`.
compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`.
colors (dict or list, optional): The colors for the features. If a list,
the first color corresponds to the feature with the lowest value
`influence(compared) - influence(reference)`. If a dictionary,
the keys are the names of the features and the values are valid
Plotly colors. Default is `None` and the colors are automatically
yrange (list, optional): A two-item list `[low, high]`. Default is
`None` and the range is based on the data.
size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels.
A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you
can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the
same cell.
y_pred = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(y_pred))
if len(y_pred.columns) > 1:
raise ValueError("Cannot plot multiple labels")
comparison = self.compare_influence(
X_test, y_pred.iloc[:, 0], reference, compared
return self._plot_comparison(
def plot_performance_comparison(
"""Plot the influence of features in `X_test` on performance for the
individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how
the model would behave if the average individual were `compared` and take
the difference with what the output would be if the average were `reference`.
X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe
with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature.
y_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The true values
for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression,
a `pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification,
a pandas dataframe with one column per label is
expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1`
(for a one-hot-encoded output).
y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions
for the samples in `X_test`. The format is the same as `y_test`.
metric (callable): A scikit-learn-like metric
`f(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)`. The metric must be able
to handle the `y` data. For instance, for `sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score()`,
"the set of labels predicted for a sample must exactly match the
corresponding set of labels in `y_true`".
reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`.
compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`.
colors (dict or list, optional): The colors for the features. If a list,
the first color corresponds to the feature with the lowest value
`influence(compared) - influence(reference)`. If a dictionary,
the keys are the names of the features and the values are valid
Plotly colors. Default is `None` and the colors are automatically
yrange (list, optional): A two-item list `[low, high]`. Default is
`None` and the range is based on the data.
size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels.
A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you
can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the
same cell.
comparison = self.compare_performance(
X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, reference, compared
metric_name = self.get_metric_name(metric)
if (
yrange is None
and comparison[["reference", "compared"]].stack().between(0, 1).all()
yrange = [-1, 1]
return self._plot_comparison(
class BaseExplainer (alpha=0.05, n_samples=1, sample_frac=0.8, conf_level=0.05, max_iterations=15, tol=0.0001, n_jobs=1, verbose=True)
Explains the influence of features on model predictions and performance.
Expand source code
class BaseExplainer: """Explains the influence of features on model predictions and performance.""" CAT_COL_SEP = " = " def __init__( self, alpha=0.05, n_samples=1, sample_frac=0.8, conf_level=0.05, max_iterations=15, tol=1e-4, n_jobs=1, # Parallelism is only worth it if the dataset is "large" verbose=True, ): if not 0 <= alpha < 0.5: raise ValueError(f"alpha must be between 0 and 0.5, got {alpha}") if n_samples < 1: raise ValueError(f"n_samples must be strictly positive, got {n_samples}") if not 0 < sample_frac < 1: raise ValueError(f"sample_frac must be between 0 and 1, got {sample_frac}") if not 0 < conf_level < 0.5: raise ValueError(f"conf_level must be between 0 and 0.5, got {conf_level}") if not max_iterations > 0: raise ValueError( "max_iterations must be a strictly positive " f"integer, got {max_iterations}" ) if not tol > 0: raise ValueError(f"tol must be a strictly positive number, got {tol}") self.alpha = alpha self.n_samples = n_samples self.sample_frac = sample_frac if n_samples > 1 else 1 self.conf_level = conf_level self.max_iterations = max_iterations self.tol = tol self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.verbose = verbose def get_metric_name(self, metric): """Get the name of the column in explainer's info dataframe to store the performance with respect of the given metric. Args: metric (callable): The metric to compute the model's performance. Returns: str: The name of the column. """ name = metric.__name__ if name in ["feature", "target", "label", "influence", "ksi"]: raise ValueError( f"Cannot use {name} as a metric name, already a column name" ) return name def _fill_ksis(self, X_test, query): """ Parameters: X_test (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with categorical features ALREADY one-hot encoded. query (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with at least two columns "feature" and "target". This dataframe will be altered. The values in "feature" must match a column in `X_test`. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The `query` dataframe with an additional column "ksi". """ if "ksi" not in query.columns: query["ksi"] = None if "converged" not in query.columns: query["converged"] = None query_to_complete = query[query["ksi"].isnull()] # We keep the group for one label only groups = query_to_complete.groupby(["group", "feature"]).first() # `groups` is a dataframe with multi-index `(group, feature)` ksis = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs)( joblib.delayed(compute_ksi)( group_id=gid, x=X_test[part.index.get_level_values("feature").values], target_mean=part["target"].values, max_iterations=self.max_iterations, tol=self.tol, ) for gid, part in groups.groupby("group") ) ksis = collections.ChainMap(*ksis) converged = {k: t[1] for k, t in ksis.items()} ksis = {k: t[0] for k, t in ksis.items()} query["ksi"] = query.apply( lambda r: ksis.get((r["group"], r["feature"]), r["ksi"]), axis="columns" ) query["converged"] = query.apply( lambda r: converged.get((r["group"], r["feature"]), r["converged"]), axis="columns", ) return query def _explain( self, X_test, y_pred, dest_col, key_cols, compute, query, compute_kwargs=None ): """ Parameters: X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature. y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression, `pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1` (for a one-hot-encoded output). dest_col (str): The name of the column that is created by `compute`. Either "influence" or the name of a metric. key_cols (list of str): The set of columns that is used to identify the parameters of a result. For instance, for the influence, we need the feature, the label and the ksi to map the explanation back to the query. For performance, all the labels give the same result so we just need the feature and the ksi. compute (callable): A callable that takes at least three parameters (`X_test`, `y_pred`, `query`) and returns the query completed with explanations. query (pd.DataFrame): The query for the explanation. A dataframe with at least three columns ("feature", "label" and "target"). compute_kwargs (dict, optional): An optional dictionary of named parameters for `compute()`. Returns: """ query = query.copy() # We make it clear that the given query is not altered if compute_kwargs is None: compute_kwargs = {} if dest_col not in query.columns: query[dest_col] = None query[f"{dest_col}_low"] = None query[f"{dest_col}_high"] = None X_test = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(X_test)) y_pred = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(y_pred)) X_test = self._one_hot_encode(X_test) if len(X_test) != len(y_pred): raise ValueError("X_test and y_pred are not of the same length") query = self._fill_ksis(X_test, query) query_to_complete = query[ query["feature"].isin(X_test.columns) & query["label"].isin(y_pred.columns) & query[dest_col].isnull() ] if query_to_complete.empty: return query # `compute()` will return something like: # [ # [ # First batch # (*key_cols1, sample_index1, computed_value1), # (*key_cols2, sample_index2, computed_value2), # ... # ], # ... # ] # Standard scale the features X_test = safe_scale(X_test) explanation = compute( X_test=X_test, y_pred=y_pred, query=query_to_complete, **compute_kwargs ) # We group by the key to gather the samples and compute the confidence # interval explanation = explanation.groupby(key_cols)[dest_col].agg( [ # Mean influence (dest_col, "mean"), # Lower bound on the mean influence (f"{dest_col}_low", functools.partial(np.quantile, q=self.conf_level)), # Upper bound on the mean influence ( f"{dest_col}_high", functools.partial(np.quantile, q=1 - self.conf_level), ), ] ) query = join_with_overlap(left=query, right=explanation, on=key_cols) return query def _compute_influence(self, X_test, y_pred, query): groups = query.groupby(["group", "label"]) return pd.DataFrame( [ ( gid, label, sample_index, np.average( y_pred[label][mask], weights=special.softmax( X_test[group["feature"].iloc[0]][mask] * group["ksi"].iloc[0] if len(group["ksi"]) == 1 else[group["feature"]][mask], group["ksi"]) ), ), ) for (sample_index, mask), ((gid, label), group) in tqdm( itertools.product( enumerate( yield_masks( n_masks=self.n_samples, n=len(X_test), p=self.sample_frac, ) ), groups, ), disable=not self.verbose, total=len(groups) * self.n_samples, ) ], columns=["group", "label", "sample_index", "influence"], ) def _explain_influence(self, X_test, y_pred, query): return self._explain( X_test=X_test, y_pred=y_pred, dest_col="influence", key_cols=["group", "label"], compute=self._compute_influence, query=query, ) def _compute_performance(self, X_test, y_pred, query, y_test, metric): metric_name = self.get_metric_name(metric) groups = query.groupby(["group"]) return pd.DataFrame( [ ( gid, sample_index, metric( y_test[mask], y_pred[mask], sample_weight=special.softmax( X_test[group["feature"].iloc[0]][mask] * group["ksi"].iloc[0] if len(group["ksi"]) == 1 else[group["feature"]][mask], group["ksi"]) ), ), ) for (sample_index, mask), (gid, group) in tqdm( itertools.product( enumerate( yield_masks( n_masks=self.n_samples, n=len(X_test), p=self.sample_frac, ) ), groups, ), disable=not self.verbose, total=len(groups) * self.n_samples, ) ], columns=["group", "sample_index", metric_name], ) def _explain_performance(self, X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, query): metric_name = self.get_metric_name(metric) return self._explain( X_test=X_test, y_pred=y_pred, dest_col=metric_name, key_cols=["group"], compute=self._compute_performance, query=query, compute_kwargs=dict(y_test=np.asarray(y_test), metric=metric), ) def _one_hot_encode(self, x): if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): return pd.get_dummies(data=x, prefix_sep=self.CAT_COL_SEP) return pd.get_dummies( # A DataFrame is needed for get_dummies data=pd.DataFrame([x.values], columns=x.index), prefix_sep=self.CAT_COL_SEP, ).iloc[0] def _revert_dummies_names(self, x): """Build a dictionary that enables us to find the original feature back after `pd.get_dummies()` was called. Examples: >>> x = pd.DataFrame({"gender": ["Male", "Female", "Male"]}) >>> x gender ------ Male Female Male >>> pd.get_dummies(x) gender = Male gender = Female ------------------------------ 1 0 0 1 1 0 >>> self._revert_dummies_names(x) { "gender = Male": "gender", "gender = Female": "gender", } """ x = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(x)) x = x.select_dtypes(include=["category", "object"]) dummies_names = {} for col in x.columns: for cat in x[col].unique(): dummies_name = f"{col}{self.CAT_COL_SEP}{cat}" dummies_names[dummies_name] = col return dummies_names def _compare_individuals( self, X_test, y_pred, reference, compared, dest_col, key_cols, explain ): X_test = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(X_test)) y_pred = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(y_pred)) # We first need to get the non-encoded features, otherwise we may miss # categorical ones. # For instance, if `reference` is a male and `compared` a female, after # one-hot encoding, the first will have the feature "gender = male" and # the second will have "gender = female" and we won't be able to detect # that it refers to the same feature "gender". features = set(X_test.columns) & set(reference.keys()) & set(compared.keys()) X_test = X_test[features] # Just keep the features in common reference = reference.rename("reference") compared = compared.rename("compared") individuals = pd.DataFrame( [reference, compared], index=[,] )[features] dummies_to_features = self._revert_dummies_names(individuals) individuals = self._one_hot_encode(individuals) labels = y_pred.columns query = pd.DataFrame( [ dict( feature=feature, target=individual[feature], label=label, individual=name, ) for name, individual in individuals.iterrows() for label in labels for feature in individuals.columns ] ) query["group"] = list(range(len(query))) info = explain(X_test=X_test, y_pred=y_pred, query=query) # `info` looks like: # # feature target label individual ksi influence influence_low influence_high # age 20 >$50k reference ... ... ... ... # age 20 >$50k compared ... ... ... ... # gender = Female 0 >$50k reference ... ... ... ... # gender = Male 1 >$50k reference ... ... ... ... # gender = Female 1 >$50k compared ... ... ... ... # gender = Male 0 >$50k compared ... ... ... ... # ... # # For every individual and every categorical feature, we want to keep the # one-hot encoded line that corresponds to the original value: # # feature target label individual ksi influence influence_low influence_high # age 20 >$50k reference ... ... ... ... # age 20 >$50k compared ... ... ... ... # gender = Male 1 >$50k reference ... ... ... ... # gender = Female 1 >$50k compared ... ... ... ... # ... # # And, to compare them, we want to rename the encoded features back to their # original name: # # feature target label individual ksi influence influence_low influence_high # age 20 >$50k reference ... ... ... ... # age 20 >$50k compared ... ... ... ... # gender 1 >$50k reference ... ... ... ... # gender 1 >$50k compared ... ... ... ... # ... rows = collections.defaultdict(dict) for individual in (reference, compared): encoded = self._one_hot_encode(individual) individual_info = info[ (info["individual"] == & (info["feature"].isin(encoded.keys())) ] for _, row in individual_info.iterrows(): row = row.replace(dummies_to_features) key = tuple(zip(key_cols, row[key_cols])) rows[key][] = row[dest_col] return pd.DataFrame( [{**dict(keys), **individuals} for keys, individuals in rows.items()] ) def compare_influence(self, X_test, y_pred, reference, compared): """Compare the influence of features in `X_test` on `y_pred` for the individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how the model would behave if the average individual were `compared` and `reference`. Parameters: X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature. y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression, `pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1` (for a one-hot-encoded output). reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with four columns ("feature", "label", "reference" and "compared"). For each couple `(feature, label)`, `reference` (resp. `compared`) is the average output of the model if the average individual were `reference` (resp. `compared`). """ return self._compare_individuals( X_test=X_test, y_pred=y_pred, reference=reference, compared=compared, dest_col="influence", key_cols=["feature", "label"], explain=self._explain_influence, ) def compare_performance(self, X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, reference, compared): """Compare the influence of features in `X_test` on the performance for the individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how the model would perform if the average individual were `compared` and `reference`. Parameters: X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature. y_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The true values for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression, a `pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1` (for a one-hot-encoded output). y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions for the samples in `X_test`. The format is the same as `y_test`. metric (callable): A scikit-learn-like metric `f(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)`. The metric must be able to handle the `y` data. For instance, for `sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score()`, "the set of labels predicted for a sample must exactly match the corresponding set of labels in `y_true`". reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with three columns ("feature", "reference" and "compared"). For each couple `(feature, label)`, `reference` (resp. `compared`) is the average output of the model if the average individual were `reference` (resp. `compared`). """ metric_name = self.get_metric_name(metric) return self._compare_individuals( X_test=X_test, y_pred=y_pred, reference=reference, compared=compared, dest_col=metric_name, key_cols=["feature"], explain=functools.partial( self._explain_performance, y_test=np.asarray(y_test), metric=metric ), ) def compute_weights(self, feature_values, targets): """Compute the weights to reach the given targets. Parameters: feature_values (pd.Series): A named pandas series containing the dataset values for a given feature. Let's notice that this method do not handle multi-dimensional optimization. targets (list): A list of means to reach for the feature `feature_values`. All of them must be between `feature_values.min()` and `feature_values.max()`. Returns: dict: The keys are the targets and the values are lists of `len(feature_values)` weights (one per data sample). """ # If `` is `None`, converting it to a dataframe # will create a column `0`, which will not be matched by the query below # since its "feature" column will be `None` and not `0`. if is None: feature_values = feature_values.rename("feature") query = pd.DataFrame( dict( group=list(range(len(targets))), feature=[] * len(targets), target=targets, label=[""] * len(targets), ) ) ksis = self._fill_ksis(pd.DataFrame(feature_values), query)["ksi"] scaled_values = safe_scale(feature_values) return { target: special.softmax(ksi * scaled_values) for ksi, target in zip(ksis, targets) } def compute_distributions( self, feature_values, targets, y_pred=None, bins=None, density=True, kde=False ): """Compute the stressed distributions of `feature_values` or `y_pred` (if specified) for the `feature_values` targets `targets`. As explained in the paper, the stressed distributions are computed to minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence with the original distribution. Parameters: feature_values (pd.Series): A named pandas series containing the dataset values for a given feature. Let's notice that this method do not handle multi-dimensional optimization. targets (list): A list of means to reach for the feature `feature_values`. All of them must be between `feature_values.min()` and `feature_values.max()`. bins (int, optional): See `numpy.histogram()`. If `None` (the default), we use `bins = int(log(len(feature_values)))`. y_pred (pd.Series, optional): The model output corresponding to the input `feature_values`. For a multi-class problem, `y_pred` is the output for a single label. If specified, the stressed output is returned instead of the stressed input. density (bool, optional): See `numpy.histogram()`. kde (bool, optional): Whether to compute a Kernel Density Estimation. Default is `False`. Returns: dict: The keys are the targets and the values are dictionaries with keys: * "edges": The edges of the histogram returned by `numpy.histogram()`. * "densities": The densities for every bins of the histogram. It depends on the value of the parameter `density`. Let's notice that `len(edges) == len(densities) + 1`. If `y_pred` is not specified, the densities are those of is the model input `feature_values`, otherwise it is the model output `y_pred`. * "kde": `None` if the `kde` argument is `False`. Otherwise, it is a `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde` object. * "average": The average of the stressed distribution, the model input if `y_pred` is `None` else the model output. Examples: Let's look at what the distribution of `age` is when its mean is 20 and 30: >>> age = X_test["age"] >>> explainer.compute_distributions( ... age, ... targets=[20, 30], ... bins=int(np.log(len(age))), ... ) { 20: { "edges": array([17., 25.11111111, 33.22222222, 41.33333333, 49.44444444, 57.55555556, 65.66666667, 73.77777778, 81.88888889, 90.]), "hist": array([1.15874542e-01, 6.90997708e-03, 4.77327782e-04, 2.45467942e-05, 1.23266581e-06, 4.42351601e-08, 1.10226985e-09, 1.99212274e-11, 3.64842014e-13]) "kde": None, "average": 20 }, 30: { "edges": array([17., 25.11111111, 33.22222222, 41.33333333, 49.44444444, 57.55555556, 65.66666667, 73.77777778, 81.88888889, 90.]), "hist": array([5.17551808e-02, 3.27268628e-02, 2.11936781e-02, 1.06566363e-02, 4.82414028e-03, 1.64851220e-03, 3.90958740e-04, 7.58834142e-05, 1.58185957e-05]) "kde": None, "average": 30 } } Now, let's look at what the distribution of the *output* is when the mean age is 20 and 30: >>> explainer.compute_distributions( ... age, ... targets=[20, 30], ... bins=int(np.log(len(age))), ... y_pred=y_pred, ... ) { 20: { "edges": array([1.65011502e-04, 1.11128109e-01, 2.22091206e-01, 3.33054303e-01, 4.44017400e-01, 5.54980497e-01, 6.65943594e-01, 7.76906691e-01, 8.87869788e-01, 9.98832885e-01]), "hist": array([8.75261891e+00, 9.33837831e-02, 5.83045141e-02, 2.94169972e-02, 1.82092901e-02, 1.56109502e-02, 1.36512095e-02, 6.30191287e-03, 2.45075574e-02]) "kde": None, "average": 0.015101814206467836 }, 30: { "edges": array([1.65011502e-04, 1.11128109e-01, 2.22091206e-01, 3.33054303e-01, 4.44017400e-01, 5.54980497e-01, 6.65943594e-01, 7.76906691e-01, 8.87869788e-01, 9.98832885e-01]), "hist": array([6.26697963, 0.6850221, 0.49064978, 0.29575247, 0.25219135, 0.25242987, 0.24428482, 0.14986088, 0.37483422]) "kde": None, "average": 0.15624939656045428 } } """ if bins is None: bins = int(np.log(len(feature_values))) weights = self.compute_weights(feature_values, targets) distributions = {} data = y_pred if y_pred is not None else feature_values for target, w in weights.items(): densities, edges = np.histogram(data, bins=bins, weights=w, density=density) distributions[target] = dict( edges=edges, hist=densities, kde=None, average=np.average(y_pred, weights=w) if y_pred is not None else target, ) if kde: distributions[target]["kde"] = stats.gaussian_kde(data, weights=w) return distributions def plot_weight_distribution( self, feature_values, targets, proportion, threshold=None, color=None, size=None ): """Plot, for every target in `targets`, how many individuals capture `proportion` of the total weight. For instance, we could see that for a target mean of 25 year-old (if the feature is the age), 50% of the weight is distributed to 14% of the individuals "only". If "few" individuals get "a lot of" weight, it means that the stressed distribution is "quite" different from the original one and that the results are not reliable. Defining a relevant threshold is an open question. Parameters: feature_values (pd.Series): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`. targets (list): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`. proportion (float): The proportion of weight to check, between 0 and 1. threshold (float, optional): An optional threshold to display on the plot. Must be between 0 and 1. colors (list, optional): An optional list of colors for all targets. size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the same cell. """ fig = go.Figure() weights = self.compute_weights(feature_values, targets) n_individuals = len(feature_values) targets = list(sorted(targets)) y = np.zeros(len(targets)) for i, target in enumerate(targets): w = np.sort(weights[target]) cum_weights = np.cumsum(w[::-1]) y[i] = np.argmax(cum_weights >= proportion) / n_individuals fig.add_bar(x=targets, y=y, hoverinfo="x+y", marker=dict(color=color)) width = height = None if size is not None: width, height = size if threshold is None: shapes = [] else: shapes = [ go.layout.Shape( type="line", x0=0, y0=threshold, x1=1, y1=threshold, xref="paper", line=dict(width=1), ) ] fig.update_layout( margin=dict(t=30, b=40), showlegend=False, xaxis=dict( or "feature"), yaxis=dict( title=f"Individuals getting {int(proportion*100)}% of the weight", tickformat="%", range=[0, proportion + 0.05], ), width=width, height=height, shapes=shapes, ) return fig def plot_cumulative_weights(self, feature_values, targets, colors=None, size=None): """Plot the cumulative weights to stress the distribution of `feature_values` for each mean in `targets`. The weights are first decreasingly sorted so that we can easily answer the question "how many individuals capture X% of the weight?". Parameters: feature_values (pd.Series): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`. targets (list): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`. colors (list, optional): An optional list of colors for all targets. size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the same cell. """ if colors is None: colors = cl.interp( cl.scales["11"]["qual"]["Paired"], len(targets) + 1, # +1 otherwise it raises an error if ksis is empty ) fig = go.Figure() weights = self.compute_weights(feature_values, targets) n = len(feature_values) x = np.arange(n) / n for target, color in zip(targets, colors): w = np.sort(weights[target]) y = np.cumsum(w[::-1]) fig.add_scatter( x=x, y=y, mode="lines", hoverinfo="x+y", name=f"E[{}] = {target:.2f}", marker=dict(color=color), ) width = height = None if size is not None: width, height = size fig.update_layout( margin=dict(t=30, b=40), showlegend=True, xaxis=dict(title="Proportion of individuals", tickformat="%"), yaxis=dict(title="Cumulative weights", range=[0, 1.05]), width=width, height=height, ) return fig def plot_distributions( self, feature_values, targets=None, y_pred=None, bins=None, show_hist=False, show_curve=True, colors=None, dataset_color="black", size=None, ): """Plot the stressed distribution of `feature_values` or `y_pred` if specified for each mean of `feature_values` in `targets`. Parameters: feature_values (pd.Series): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`. targets (list, optional): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`. If `None` (the default), only the original distribution is plotted. y_pred (pd.Series, optional): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`. bins (int, optional): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`. show_hist (bool, optional): Whether to plot histogram data. Default is `False`. show_curve (bool, optional): Whether to plot KDE based on histogram data. Default is `True`. colors (list, optional): An optional list of colors for all targets. dataset_color (str, optional): An optional color for the original distribution. Default is `"black"`. If `None`, the original distribution is not plotted. size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the same cell. """ if targets is None: targets = [] if colors is None: colors = cl.interp( cl.scales["11"]["qual"]["Paired"], len(targets) + 1, # +1 otherwise it raises an error if ksis is empty ) if dataset_color is not None: targets = [feature_values.mean(), *targets] # Add the original mean colors = [dataset_color, *colors] fig = go.Figure() distributions = self.compute_distributions( feature_values=feature_values, targets=targets, bins=bins, y_pred=y_pred, kde=show_curve, ) for i, (target, color) in enumerate(zip(targets, colors)): trace_name = f"E[{}] = {target:.2f}" d = distributions[target] if y_pred is not None: trace_name += f", E[{}] = {d['average']:.2f}" if i == 0: trace_name += " (dataset)" if show_hist: fig.add_bar( x=d["edges"][:-1], y=d["hist"], name=trace_name, legendgroup=trace_name, showlegend=not show_curve, opacity=0.5, marker=dict(color=color), hoverinfo="x+y", ) if show_curve: x = np.linspace(d["edges"][0], d["edges"][-1], num=500) y = d["kde"](x) fig.add_scatter( x=x, y=y, name=trace_name, legendgroup=trace_name, marker=dict(color=color), mode="lines", hoverinfo="x+y", ) fig.add_scatter( x=[d["average"]], y=d["kde"]([d["average"]]), text=["Dataset mean"], showlegend=False, legendgroup=trace_name, mode="markers", hoverinfo="text", marker=dict(symbol="x", size=9, color=color), ) width = height = None if size is not None: width, height = size fig.update_layout( bargap=0, barmode="overlay", margin=dict(t=30, b=40), showlegend=True, xaxis=dict( if y_pred is not None else ), yaxis=dict(title="Probability density"), width=width, height=height, ) return fig def _plot_comparison( self, comparison, title_prefix, reference_name, compared_name, colors=None, yrange=None, size=None, ): comparison["delta"] = comparison["compared"] - comparison["reference"] comparison = comparison.sort_values(by=["delta"], ascending=True) features = comparison["feature"] if type(colors) is dict: # Put the colors in the right order colors = [colors.get(feature) for feature in features] width = 500 height = 100 + 60 * len(features) if size is not None: width, height = size reference_name = reference_name or '"reference"' compared_name = compared_name or '"compared"' title = f"{title_prefix} for {compared_name} compared to {reference_name}" fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=comparison["delta"], y=features, orientation="h", hoverinfo="x", marker=dict(color=colors), ) ) fig.update_layout( xaxis=dict(title=title, range=yrange, side="top", fixedrange=True), yaxis=dict(showline=False, automargin=True), shapes=[ go.layout.Shape( type="line", x0=0, y0=0, x1=0, y1=1, yref="paper", line=dict(color="black", width=1), ) ], width=width, height=height, margin=dict(b=0, t=60, r=10), modebar=dict( orientation="v", color="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", activecolor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", bgcolor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", ), ) return fig def plot_influence_comparison( self, X_test, y_pred, reference, compared, colors=None, yrange=None, size=None ): """Plot the influence of features in `X_test` on `y_pred` for the individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how the model would behave if the average individual were `compared` and take the difference with what the output would be if the average were `reference`. Parameters: X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature. y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression, `pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1` (for a one-hot-encoded output). reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. colors (dict or list, optional): The colors for the features. If a list, the first color corresponds to the feature with the lowest value `influence(compared) - influence(reference)`. If a dictionary, the keys are the names of the features and the values are valid Plotly colors. Default is `None` and the colors are automatically choosen. yrange (list, optional): A two-item list `[low, high]`. Default is `None` and the range is based on the data. size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the same cell. """ y_pred = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(y_pred)) if len(y_pred.columns) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot plot multiple labels") comparison = self.compare_influence( X_test, y_pred.iloc[:, 0], reference, compared ) return self._plot_comparison( comparison, title_prefix="Influence",,, colors=colors, size=size, yrange=yrange, ) def plot_performance_comparison( self, X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, reference, compared, colors=None, yrange=None, size=None, ): """Plot the influence of features in `X_test` on performance for the individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how the model would behave if the average individual were `compared` and take the difference with what the output would be if the average were `reference`. Parameters: X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature. y_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The true values for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression, a `pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1` (for a one-hot-encoded output). y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions for the samples in `X_test`. The format is the same as `y_test`. metric (callable): A scikit-learn-like metric `f(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)`. The metric must be able to handle the `y` data. For instance, for `sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score()`, "the set of labels predicted for a sample must exactly match the corresponding set of labels in `y_true`". reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. colors (dict or list, optional): The colors for the features. If a list, the first color corresponds to the feature with the lowest value `influence(compared) - influence(reference)`. If a dictionary, the keys are the names of the features and the values are valid Plotly colors. Default is `None` and the colors are automatically choosen. yrange (list, optional): A two-item list `[low, high]`. Default is `None` and the range is based on the data. size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the same cell. """ comparison = self.compare_performance( X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, reference, compared ) metric_name = self.get_metric_name(metric) if ( yrange is None and comparison[["reference", "compared"]].stack().between(0, 1).all() ): yrange = [-1, 1] return self._plot_comparison( comparison, title_prefix=metric_name,,, colors=colors, size=size, yrange=yrange, )
Class variables
str(object='') -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str
Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Otherwise, returns the result of object.str() (if defined) or repr(object). encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). errors defaults to 'strict'.
def compare_influence(self, X_test, y_pred, reference, compared)
Compare the influence of features in
for the individualcompared
compared toreference
. Basically, we look at how the model would behave if the average individual werecompared
- The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature.
- The model predictions
for the samples in
. For binary classification and regression,pd.Series
is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or0/1
(for a one-hot-encoded output). reference
- A row of
. compared
- A row of
,- "reference" and "compared"). For each couple
(feature, label)
) is the average output of the model if the average individual werereference
Expand source code
def compare_influence(self, X_test, y_pred, reference, compared): """Compare the influence of features in `X_test` on `y_pred` for the individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how the model would behave if the average individual were `compared` and `reference`. Parameters: X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature. y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression, `pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1` (for a one-hot-encoded output). reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with four columns ("feature", "label", "reference" and "compared"). For each couple `(feature, label)`, `reference` (resp. `compared`) is the average output of the model if the average individual were `reference` (resp. `compared`). """ return self._compare_individuals( X_test=X_test, y_pred=y_pred, reference=reference, compared=compared, dest_col="influence", key_cols=["feature", "label"], explain=self._explain_influence, )
def compare_performance(self, X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, reference, compared)
Compare the influence of features in
on the performance for the individualcompared
compared toreference
. Basically, we look at how the model would perform if the average individual werecompared
- The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature.
- The true values
for the samples in
. For binary classification and regression, apd.Series
is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or0/1
(for a one-hot-encoded output). y_pred
- The model predictions
for the samples in
. The format is the same asy_test
. metric
- A scikit-learn-like metric
f(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)
. The metric must be able to handle they
data. For instance, forsklearn.metrics.accuracy_score()
, "the set of labels predicted for a sample must exactly match the corresponding set of labels iny_true
". reference
- A row of
. compared
- A row of
- and "compared"). For each couple
(feature, label)
) is the average output of the model if the average individual werereference
Expand source code
def compare_performance(self, X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, reference, compared): """Compare the influence of features in `X_test` on the performance for the individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how the model would perform if the average individual were `compared` and `reference`. Parameters: X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature. y_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The true values for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression, a `pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1` (for a one-hot-encoded output). y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions for the samples in `X_test`. The format is the same as `y_test`. metric (callable): A scikit-learn-like metric `f(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)`. The metric must be able to handle the `y` data. For instance, for `sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score()`, "the set of labels predicted for a sample must exactly match the corresponding set of labels in `y_true`". reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A dataframe with three columns ("feature", "reference" and "compared"). For each couple `(feature, label)`, `reference` (resp. `compared`) is the average output of the model if the average individual were `reference` (resp. `compared`). """ metric_name = self.get_metric_name(metric) return self._compare_individuals( X_test=X_test, y_pred=y_pred, reference=reference, compared=compared, dest_col=metric_name, key_cols=["feature"], explain=functools.partial( self._explain_performance, y_test=np.asarray(y_test), metric=metric ), )
def compute_distributions(self, feature_values, targets, y_pred=None, bins=None, density=True, kde=False)
Compute the stressed distributions of
(if specified) for thefeature_values
. As explained in the paper, the stressed distributions are computed to minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence with the original distribution.Parameters
- A named pandas series containing the dataset values for a given feature. Let's notice that this method do not handle multi-dimensional optimization.
- A list of means to reach for the feature
. All of them must be betweenfeature_values.min()
. bins
, optional- See
. IfNone
(the default), we usebins = int(log(len(feature_values)))
. y_pred
, optional- The model output corresponding to the
. For a multi-class problem,y_pred
is the output for a single label. If specified, the stressed output is returned instead of the stressed input. density
, optional- See
. kde
, optional- Whether to compute a Kernel Density Estimation.
Default is
The keys are the targets and the values are dictionaries with keys:
- "edges": The edges of the histogram returned by
. - "densities": The densities for every bins of the histogram. It
depends on the value of the parameter
. Let's notice thatlen(edges) == len(densities) + 1
. Ify_pred
is not specified, the densities are those of is the model inputfeature_values
, otherwise it is the model outputy_pred
. - "kde":
if thekde
argument isFalse
. Otherwise, it is ascipy.stats.gaussian_kde
object. - "average": The average of the stressed distribution, the model input
else the model output.
- "edges": The edges of the histogram returned by
Let's look at what the distribution of
is when its mean is 20 and 30:>>> age = X_test["age"] >>> explainer.compute_distributions( ... age, ... targets=[20, 30], ... bins=int(np.log(len(age))), ... ) { 20: { "edges": array([17., 25.11111111, 33.22222222, 41.33333333, 49.44444444, 57.55555556, 65.66666667, 73.77777778, 81.88888889, 90.]), "hist": array([1.15874542e-01, 6.90997708e-03, 4.77327782e-04, 2.45467942e-05, 1.23266581e-06, 4.42351601e-08, 1.10226985e-09, 1.99212274e-11, 3.64842014e-13]) "kde": None, "average": 20 }, 30: { "edges": array([17., 25.11111111, 33.22222222, 41.33333333, 49.44444444, 57.55555556, 65.66666667, 73.77777778, 81.88888889, 90.]), "hist": array([5.17551808e-02, 3.27268628e-02, 2.11936781e-02, 1.06566363e-02, 4.82414028e-03, 1.64851220e-03, 3.90958740e-04, 7.58834142e-05, 1.58185957e-05]) "kde": None, "average": 30 }
Now, let's look at what the distribution of the output is when the mean age is 20 and 30:
>>> explainer.compute_distributions( ... age, ... targets=[20, 30], ... bins=int(np.log(len(age))), ... y_pred=y_pred, ... ) { 20: { "edges": array([1.65011502e-04, 1.11128109e-01, 2.22091206e-01, 3.33054303e-01, 4.44017400e-01, 5.54980497e-01, 6.65943594e-01, 7.76906691e-01, 8.87869788e-01, 9.98832885e-01]), "hist": array([8.75261891e+00, 9.33837831e-02, 5.83045141e-02, 2.94169972e-02, 1.82092901e-02, 1.56109502e-02, 1.36512095e-02, 6.30191287e-03, 2.45075574e-02]) "kde": None, "average": 0.015101814206467836 }, 30: { "edges": array([1.65011502e-04, 1.11128109e-01, 2.22091206e-01, 3.33054303e-01, 4.44017400e-01, 5.54980497e-01, 6.65943594e-01, 7.76906691e-01, 8.87869788e-01, 9.98832885e-01]), "hist": array([6.26697963, 0.6850221, 0.49064978, 0.29575247, 0.25219135, 0.25242987, 0.24428482, 0.14986088, 0.37483422]) "kde": None, "average": 0.15624939656045428 }
Expand source code
def compute_distributions( self, feature_values, targets, y_pred=None, bins=None, density=True, kde=False ): """Compute the stressed distributions of `feature_values` or `y_pred` (if specified) for the `feature_values` targets `targets`. As explained in the paper, the stressed distributions are computed to minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence with the original distribution. Parameters: feature_values (pd.Series): A named pandas series containing the dataset values for a given feature. Let's notice that this method do not handle multi-dimensional optimization. targets (list): A list of means to reach for the feature `feature_values`. All of them must be between `feature_values.min()` and `feature_values.max()`. bins (int, optional): See `numpy.histogram()`. If `None` (the default), we use `bins = int(log(len(feature_values)))`. y_pred (pd.Series, optional): The model output corresponding to the input `feature_values`. For a multi-class problem, `y_pred` is the output for a single label. If specified, the stressed output is returned instead of the stressed input. density (bool, optional): See `numpy.histogram()`. kde (bool, optional): Whether to compute a Kernel Density Estimation. Default is `False`. Returns: dict: The keys are the targets and the values are dictionaries with keys: * "edges": The edges of the histogram returned by `numpy.histogram()`. * "densities": The densities for every bins of the histogram. It depends on the value of the parameter `density`. Let's notice that `len(edges) == len(densities) + 1`. If `y_pred` is not specified, the densities are those of is the model input `feature_values`, otherwise it is the model output `y_pred`. * "kde": `None` if the `kde` argument is `False`. Otherwise, it is a `scipy.stats.gaussian_kde` object. * "average": The average of the stressed distribution, the model input if `y_pred` is `None` else the model output. Examples: Let's look at what the distribution of `age` is when its mean is 20 and 30: >>> age = X_test["age"] >>> explainer.compute_distributions( ... age, ... targets=[20, 30], ... bins=int(np.log(len(age))), ... ) { 20: { "edges": array([17., 25.11111111, 33.22222222, 41.33333333, 49.44444444, 57.55555556, 65.66666667, 73.77777778, 81.88888889, 90.]), "hist": array([1.15874542e-01, 6.90997708e-03, 4.77327782e-04, 2.45467942e-05, 1.23266581e-06, 4.42351601e-08, 1.10226985e-09, 1.99212274e-11, 3.64842014e-13]) "kde": None, "average": 20 }, 30: { "edges": array([17., 25.11111111, 33.22222222, 41.33333333, 49.44444444, 57.55555556, 65.66666667, 73.77777778, 81.88888889, 90.]), "hist": array([5.17551808e-02, 3.27268628e-02, 2.11936781e-02, 1.06566363e-02, 4.82414028e-03, 1.64851220e-03, 3.90958740e-04, 7.58834142e-05, 1.58185957e-05]) "kde": None, "average": 30 } } Now, let's look at what the distribution of the *output* is when the mean age is 20 and 30: >>> explainer.compute_distributions( ... age, ... targets=[20, 30], ... bins=int(np.log(len(age))), ... y_pred=y_pred, ... ) { 20: { "edges": array([1.65011502e-04, 1.11128109e-01, 2.22091206e-01, 3.33054303e-01, 4.44017400e-01, 5.54980497e-01, 6.65943594e-01, 7.76906691e-01, 8.87869788e-01, 9.98832885e-01]), "hist": array([8.75261891e+00, 9.33837831e-02, 5.83045141e-02, 2.94169972e-02, 1.82092901e-02, 1.56109502e-02, 1.36512095e-02, 6.30191287e-03, 2.45075574e-02]) "kde": None, "average": 0.015101814206467836 }, 30: { "edges": array([1.65011502e-04, 1.11128109e-01, 2.22091206e-01, 3.33054303e-01, 4.44017400e-01, 5.54980497e-01, 6.65943594e-01, 7.76906691e-01, 8.87869788e-01, 9.98832885e-01]), "hist": array([6.26697963, 0.6850221, 0.49064978, 0.29575247, 0.25219135, 0.25242987, 0.24428482, 0.14986088, 0.37483422]) "kde": None, "average": 0.15624939656045428 } } """ if bins is None: bins = int(np.log(len(feature_values))) weights = self.compute_weights(feature_values, targets) distributions = {} data = y_pred if y_pred is not None else feature_values for target, w in weights.items(): densities, edges = np.histogram(data, bins=bins, weights=w, density=density) distributions[target] = dict( edges=edges, hist=densities, kde=None, average=np.average(y_pred, weights=w) if y_pred is not None else target, ) if kde: distributions[target]["kde"] = stats.gaussian_kde(data, weights=w) return distributions
def compute_weights(self, feature_values, targets)
Compute the weights to reach the given targets.
- A named pandas series containing the dataset values for a given feature. Let's notice that this method do not handle multi-dimensional optimization.
- A list of means to reach for the feature
. All of them must be betweenfeature_values.min()
- The keys are the targets and the values are lists of
weights (one per data sample).
Expand source code
def compute_weights(self, feature_values, targets): """Compute the weights to reach the given targets. Parameters: feature_values (pd.Series): A named pandas series containing the dataset values for a given feature. Let's notice that this method do not handle multi-dimensional optimization. targets (list): A list of means to reach for the feature `feature_values`. All of them must be between `feature_values.min()` and `feature_values.max()`. Returns: dict: The keys are the targets and the values are lists of `len(feature_values)` weights (one per data sample). """ # If `` is `None`, converting it to a dataframe # will create a column `0`, which will not be matched by the query below # since its "feature" column will be `None` and not `0`. if is None: feature_values = feature_values.rename("feature") query = pd.DataFrame( dict( group=list(range(len(targets))), feature=[] * len(targets), target=targets, label=[""] * len(targets), ) ) ksis = self._fill_ksis(pd.DataFrame(feature_values), query)["ksi"] scaled_values = safe_scale(feature_values) return { target: special.softmax(ksi * scaled_values) for ksi, target in zip(ksis, targets) }
def get_metric_name(self, metric)
Get the name of the column in explainer's info dataframe to store the performance with respect of the given metric.
- The metric to compute the model's performance.
- The name of the column.
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def get_metric_name(self, metric): """Get the name of the column in explainer's info dataframe to store the performance with respect of the given metric. Args: metric (callable): The metric to compute the model's performance. Returns: str: The name of the column. """ name = metric.__name__ if name in ["feature", "target", "label", "influence", "ksi"]: raise ValueError( f"Cannot use {name} as a metric name, already a column name" ) return name
def plot_cumulative_weights(self, feature_values, targets, colors=None, size=None)
Plot the cumulative weights to stress the distribution of
for each mean intargets
. The weights are first decreasingly sorted so that we can easily answer the question "how many individuals capture X% of the weight?".Parameters
- See
. targets
- See
. colors
, optional- An optional list of colors for all targets.
, optional- An optional couple
(width, height)
in pixels.
:- A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you
can also call the
method to plot multiple charts in the same cell.
Expand source code
def plot_cumulative_weights(self, feature_values, targets, colors=None, size=None): """Plot the cumulative weights to stress the distribution of `feature_values` for each mean in `targets`. The weights are first decreasingly sorted so that we can easily answer the question "how many individuals capture X% of the weight?". Parameters: feature_values (pd.Series): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`. targets (list): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`. colors (list, optional): An optional list of colors for all targets. size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the same cell. """ if colors is None: colors = cl.interp( cl.scales["11"]["qual"]["Paired"], len(targets) + 1, # +1 otherwise it raises an error if ksis is empty ) fig = go.Figure() weights = self.compute_weights(feature_values, targets) n = len(feature_values) x = np.arange(n) / n for target, color in zip(targets, colors): w = np.sort(weights[target]) y = np.cumsum(w[::-1]) fig.add_scatter( x=x, y=y, mode="lines", hoverinfo="x+y", name=f"E[{}] = {target:.2f}", marker=dict(color=color), ) width = height = None if size is not None: width, height = size fig.update_layout( margin=dict(t=30, b=40), showlegend=True, xaxis=dict(title="Proportion of individuals", tickformat="%"), yaxis=dict(title="Cumulative weights", range=[0, 1.05]), width=width, height=height, ) return fig
def plot_distributions(self, feature_values, targets=None, y_pred=None, bins=None, show_hist=False, show_curve=True, colors=None, dataset_color='black', size=None)
Plot the stressed distribution of
if specified for each mean offeature_values
- See
. targets
, optional- See
. IfNone
(the default), only the original distribution is plotted. y_pred
, optional- See
. bins
, optional- See
. show_hist
, optional- Whether to plot histogram data. Default is
. show_curve
, optional- Whether to plot KDE based on histogram data.
Default is
. colors
, optional- An optional list of colors for all targets.
, optional- An optional color for the original
distribution. Default is
. IfNone
, the original distribution is not plotted. size
, optional- An optional couple
(width, height)
in pixels.
:- A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you
can also call the
method to plot multiple charts in the same cell.
Expand source code
def plot_distributions( self, feature_values, targets=None, y_pred=None, bins=None, show_hist=False, show_curve=True, colors=None, dataset_color="black", size=None, ): """Plot the stressed distribution of `feature_values` or `y_pred` if specified for each mean of `feature_values` in `targets`. Parameters: feature_values (pd.Series): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`. targets (list, optional): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`. If `None` (the default), only the original distribution is plotted. y_pred (pd.Series, optional): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`. bins (int, optional): See `BaseExplainer.compute_distributions()`. show_hist (bool, optional): Whether to plot histogram data. Default is `False`. show_curve (bool, optional): Whether to plot KDE based on histogram data. Default is `True`. colors (list, optional): An optional list of colors for all targets. dataset_color (str, optional): An optional color for the original distribution. Default is `"black"`. If `None`, the original distribution is not plotted. size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the same cell. """ if targets is None: targets = [] if colors is None: colors = cl.interp( cl.scales["11"]["qual"]["Paired"], len(targets) + 1, # +1 otherwise it raises an error if ksis is empty ) if dataset_color is not None: targets = [feature_values.mean(), *targets] # Add the original mean colors = [dataset_color, *colors] fig = go.Figure() distributions = self.compute_distributions( feature_values=feature_values, targets=targets, bins=bins, y_pred=y_pred, kde=show_curve, ) for i, (target, color) in enumerate(zip(targets, colors)): trace_name = f"E[{}] = {target:.2f}" d = distributions[target] if y_pred is not None: trace_name += f", E[{}] = {d['average']:.2f}" if i == 0: trace_name += " (dataset)" if show_hist: fig.add_bar( x=d["edges"][:-1], y=d["hist"], name=trace_name, legendgroup=trace_name, showlegend=not show_curve, opacity=0.5, marker=dict(color=color), hoverinfo="x+y", ) if show_curve: x = np.linspace(d["edges"][0], d["edges"][-1], num=500) y = d["kde"](x) fig.add_scatter( x=x, y=y, name=trace_name, legendgroup=trace_name, marker=dict(color=color), mode="lines", hoverinfo="x+y", ) fig.add_scatter( x=[d["average"]], y=d["kde"]([d["average"]]), text=["Dataset mean"], showlegend=False, legendgroup=trace_name, mode="markers", hoverinfo="text", marker=dict(symbol="x", size=9, color=color), ) width = height = None if size is not None: width, height = size fig.update_layout( bargap=0, barmode="overlay", margin=dict(t=30, b=40), showlegend=True, xaxis=dict( if y_pred is not None else ), yaxis=dict(title="Probability density"), width=width, height=height, ) return fig
def plot_influence_comparison(self, X_test, y_pred, reference, compared, colors=None, yrange=None, size=None)
Plot the influence of features in
for the individualcompared
compared toreference
. Basically, we look at how the model would behave if the average individual werecompared
and take the difference with what the output would be if the average werereference
- The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature.
- The model predictions
for the samples in
. For binary classification and regression,pd.Series
is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or0/1
(for a one-hot-encoded output). reference
- A row of
. compared
- A row of
. colors
, optional- The colors for the features. If a list,
the first color corresponds to the feature with the lowest value
influence(compared) - influence(reference)
. If a dictionary, the keys are the names of the features and the values are valid Plotly colors. Default isNone
and the colors are automatically choosen. yrange
, optional- A two-item list
[low, high]
. Default isNone
and the range is based on the data. size
, optional- An optional couple
(width, height)
in pixels.
:- A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you
can also call the
method to plot multiple charts in the same cell.
Expand source code
def plot_influence_comparison( self, X_test, y_pred, reference, compared, colors=None, yrange=None, size=None ): """Plot the influence of features in `X_test` on `y_pred` for the individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how the model would behave if the average individual were `compared` and take the difference with what the output would be if the average were `reference`. Parameters: X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature. y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression, `pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1` (for a one-hot-encoded output). reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. colors (dict or list, optional): The colors for the features. If a list, the first color corresponds to the feature with the lowest value `influence(compared) - influence(reference)`. If a dictionary, the keys are the names of the features and the values are valid Plotly colors. Default is `None` and the colors are automatically choosen. yrange (list, optional): A two-item list `[low, high]`. Default is `None` and the range is based on the data. size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the same cell. """ y_pred = pd.DataFrame(to_pandas(y_pred)) if len(y_pred.columns) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot plot multiple labels") comparison = self.compare_influence( X_test, y_pred.iloc[:, 0], reference, compared ) return self._plot_comparison( comparison, title_prefix="Influence",,, colors=colors, size=size, yrange=yrange, )
def plot_performance_comparison(self, X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, reference, compared, colors=None, yrange=None, size=None)
Plot the influence of features in
on performance for the individualcompared
compared toreference
. Basically, we look at how the model would behave if the average individual werecompared
and take the difference with what the output would be if the average werereference
- The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature.
- The true values
for the samples in
. For binary classification and regression, apd.Series
is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or0/1
(for a one-hot-encoded output). y_pred
- The model predictions
for the samples in
. The format is the same asy_test
. metric
- A scikit-learn-like metric
f(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)
. The metric must be able to handle they
data. For instance, forsklearn.metrics.accuracy_score()
, "the set of labels predicted for a sample must exactly match the corresponding set of labels iny_true
". reference
- A row of
. compared
- A row of
. colors
, optional- The colors for the features. If a list,
the first color corresponds to the feature with the lowest value
influence(compared) - influence(reference)
. If a dictionary, the keys are the names of the features and the values are valid Plotly colors. Default isNone
and the colors are automatically choosen. yrange
, optional- A two-item list
[low, high]
. Default isNone
and the range is based on the data. size
, optional- An optional couple
(width, height)
in pixels.
:- A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you
can also call the
method to plot multiple charts in the same cell.
Expand source code
def plot_performance_comparison( self, X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, reference, compared, colors=None, yrange=None, size=None, ): """Plot the influence of features in `X_test` on performance for the individual `compared` compared to `reference`. Basically, we look at how the model would behave if the average individual were `compared` and take the difference with what the output would be if the average were `reference`. Parameters: X_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The dataset as a pandas dataframe with one column per feature or a pandas series for a single feature. y_test (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The true values for the samples in `X_test`. For binary classification and regression, a `pd.Series` is expected. For multi-label classification, a pandas dataframe with one column per label is expected. The values can either be probabilities or `0/1` (for a one-hot-encoded output). y_pred (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series): The model predictions for the samples in `X_test`. The format is the same as `y_test`. metric (callable): A scikit-learn-like metric `f(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=None)`. The metric must be able to handle the `y` data. For instance, for `sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score()`, "the set of labels predicted for a sample must exactly match the corresponding set of labels in `y_true`". reference (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. compared (pd.Series): A row of `X_test`. colors (dict or list, optional): The colors for the features. If a list, the first color corresponds to the feature with the lowest value `influence(compared) - influence(reference)`. If a dictionary, the keys are the names of the features and the values are valid Plotly colors. Default is `None` and the colors are automatically choosen. yrange (list, optional): A two-item list `[low, high]`. Default is `None` and the range is based on the data. size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the same cell. """ comparison = self.compare_performance( X_test, y_test, y_pred, metric, reference, compared ) metric_name = self.get_metric_name(metric) if ( yrange is None and comparison[["reference", "compared"]].stack().between(0, 1).all() ): yrange = [-1, 1] return self._plot_comparison( comparison, title_prefix=metric_name,,, colors=colors, size=size, yrange=yrange, )
def plot_weight_distribution(self, feature_values, targets, proportion, threshold=None, color=None, size=None)
Plot, for every target in
, how many individuals captureproportion
of the total weight. For instance, we could see that for a target mean of 25 year-old (if the feature is the age), 50% of the weight is distributed to 14% of the individuals "only". If "few" individuals get "a lot of" weight, it means that the stressed distribution is "quite" different from the original one and that the results are not reliable. Defining a relevant threshold is an open question.Parameters
- See
. targets
- See
. proportion
- The proportion of weight to check, between 0 and 1.
, optional- An optional threshold to display on the plot. Must be between 0 and 1.
, optional- An optional list of colors for all targets.
, optional- An optional couple
(width, height)
in pixels.
:- A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you
can also call the
method to plot multiple charts in the same cell.
Expand source code
def plot_weight_distribution( self, feature_values, targets, proportion, threshold=None, color=None, size=None ): """Plot, for every target in `targets`, how many individuals capture `proportion` of the total weight. For instance, we could see that for a target mean of 25 year-old (if the feature is the age), 50% of the weight is distributed to 14% of the individuals "only". If "few" individuals get "a lot of" weight, it means that the stressed distribution is "quite" different from the original one and that the results are not reliable. Defining a relevant threshold is an open question. Parameters: feature_values (pd.Series): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`. targets (list): See `BaseExplainer.compute_weights()`. proportion (float): The proportion of weight to check, between 0 and 1. threshold (float, optional): An optional threshold to display on the plot. Must be between 0 and 1. colors (list, optional): An optional list of colors for all targets. size (tuple, optional): An optional couple `(width, height)` in pixels. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: A Plotly figure. It shows automatically in notebook cells but you can also call the `.show()` method to plot multiple charts in the same cell. """ fig = go.Figure() weights = self.compute_weights(feature_values, targets) n_individuals = len(feature_values) targets = list(sorted(targets)) y = np.zeros(len(targets)) for i, target in enumerate(targets): w = np.sort(weights[target]) cum_weights = np.cumsum(w[::-1]) y[i] = np.argmax(cum_weights >= proportion) / n_individuals fig.add_bar(x=targets, y=y, hoverinfo="x+y", marker=dict(color=color)) width = height = None if size is not None: width, height = size if threshold is None: shapes = [] else: shapes = [ go.layout.Shape( type="line", x0=0, y0=threshold, x1=1, y1=threshold, xref="paper", line=dict(width=1), ) ] fig.update_layout( margin=dict(t=30, b=40), showlegend=False, xaxis=dict( or "feature"), yaxis=dict( title=f"Individuals getting {int(proportion*100)}% of the weight", tickformat="%", range=[0, proportion + 0.05], ), width=width, height=height, shapes=shapes, ) return fig